chronosphere 2023-08-14

- IMPORTANT: Dataset identifier coordinates were changed:
-> src
, var
-> ser
. This reflects changes of the database that were necessary so formal variables can be introduced.
chronosphere 2023-05-23

- the
function to support setting of global variables: curl, timeout and remote (debugging)
- dependencies
as suggest, curl support for datasets()
and fetch()
- new example data to show the use of
- plate tectonic reconstruction-related functionality to package
- Spatial and RasterArrays refactored into package
function, color palettes()
to 'restools'
(to be published soon)
chronosphere 2021-04-16

- added the platemodel example to the package's files
- fixed wrong example
chronosphere 2020-10-18
chronosphere 2020-10-13
- package collate in DESCRIPTION
- The SpatialArray class is added to the package, mimicking RasterArrays for vector objects.
- The SpatialList class is added, to be used in the SpatialStack.
- The XArray class-union is made for the efficient generalization of methods shared by RasterArray and SpatialArray. Shared methods are impplemented.
- the spTransform() function is implemented for SpatialStacks and SpatialArrays.
- the apply() function gained the MARGIN=NULL submethod. THis submethod is useful for the iteration of functions for every XArray item.
- The mapedge() function for the quick calculation of map edges in non-equirectangular projections.
- the 'coasts' data demo object of the PaleoMAP Paleocoastlines
- types() generic and SpatialArray-method is added.
- Multiple RasterArray methods are now generalized for the XArray and are no longer specific to RasterArrays.
- vignette was renamed from chronos.Rmd to chronosphere.Rmd, references to 'clim' were removed and uses 'coasts' now instead
- the reporting tools added in build 75 are removed as they require further testing
- the 'clim' demo object was removed to decrease the size of the package
Known issues/missing features
- SpatialArrays and SpatialStacks do not have a default plotting method yet.
- The apply() function has limit utility on SpatialArrays.
- rare issues with res/ver defaulting, use explicit ver and res to ensure correct download
chronosphere 2020-09-23
- Forced UTF-8 encoding for the registry tables
- added API call to chronosphere object attributes.
chronosphere 2020-09-20
- create_metadata() and report() to create data report based on the pbdb download
- generate_bib() and related functions to generate bibliography for report
- capitalize() to capitalise strings - for formatting purposes
- pkg_file() to access files within the package
- template files to inst/rmarkdown/
chronosphere 2020-08-20
- The SpatialLinesDataFrame-method of the reconstruct() function.
chronosphere 2020-08-07
- The reference() and info() functions. The new reference() function is now used within fetch().
chronosphere 2020-07-30
- The 'plateperiod' argument was accidentally deleted during update to build 69, now it is live again.
chronosphere 2020-07-14
- Fixed forced download of registry table when datadir was given and data were already present on disk/storage device
chronosphere 2020-06-11
- datasets() function gained the 'dat', 'master' and 'greetings' arguments. The default setting of the function only downloads the list of datasets (dat) and variables (var). Setting the 'dat' argument to a character entry will download the list of all archives from that dataset. Setting the master argument to 'master=TRUE' will download a list of all archives, which is expected to be very long in the near future. The argument 'greetings=TRUE' will display a reminder that additional versions and resolutions are available.
- the downloaded objects now have chronosphere attributes. These record the accession information used previously, which allows the repetition of function call, if necessary - including changes.
- fetch() can return the function call, using call=TRUE. This can be either an expression or a terminal message, depending on the settings of call.expr=TRUE/FALSE.
- fetch() can be used with an already downloaded the chronosphere-object to either redownload it, or get its download function call.
- fetch() can be used to return multiple variables from the same dataset. These will be concatenated into a list, unless they are RasterArrays, in which case fetch() will try to cbind() them
- the extent() method of the RasterArray class
- the server log log.csv is only checked once per session.
- The dataindex() deprecated placeholder function was removed. Use datasets() instead.
- previous updates to reconstruct()
chronosphere 2020-03-11
- reconstruct - defense against bad ages
- rotationModels() and validCoords() added
- reconstruct - defense against bad long/lat
chronosphere 2020-03-06
chronosphere 2020-03-05
- new method extract('RasterArray', 'matrix')
- by=NULL is added as to extract('RasterArray', 'data.frame')
- bug fix of newbounds() when col was given.
- by=NULL is the new default of extract('RasterArray', 'data.frame'). The function was redesigned to accomodate n-dimensional RasterArray input.
- bug fix of dimnames('RasterArray')
chronosphere 2020-02-20
- plateperiod argument of the reconstruct() function
- mapplot overlap offset fixed
chronosphere 2020-02-18
- rotate-method for the RasterArray class
chronosphere 2020-02-17
- zzz.R with chronosphere package help file
- the dataindex() function was renamed to datasets()
chronosphere 2020-02-14
- mapplot() coordinate reset fixed
- IPCC palettes added
chronosphere 2020-02-12
- corrected documentation problems
chronosphere 2020-01-27
- support for shapefile fetching
- fetch() defaults to the coarsest resolution (highest res entry, new default is res=NULL)
chronosphere 2020-01-12
- the nums(), colnums() and rownums() functions
- the ... argument to fetch to reach variable-specific loading options
- Fixed issue with offline reconstruction method (one entry in an age with enumerate = FALSE)
chronosphere 2019-12-11
- replaced all occurrences of T and F with TRUE and FALSE respectively
- on.exit statements for mapplot() and showPal()
- RasterArray constructor now works for stacks that do not have the same length as the dim product (with warning)
- Fixed bug with colnames and rownames assignment
- t() copies colnames and rownames attributes
- Raster variable loading is now done with R code provided by the server
- renamed NEWS file to
chronosphere 2019-12-03
- return value documentation for all functions
- on.exit() statements where options and par are changed.
- description field in DESCRIPTION
- LazyData is set to false
- usage entries for 'dems' and 'clim'
chronosphere 2019-11-29
- support for NAs in the RasterArray constructor and defenses
- 'clim' data object
- bug fix for the apply() RasterArray method
- [[ of RasterArrays now wrap output in a RasterArray by default.
- reconstruct() function's local submodule no longer returns coordinates for points that are situated on plates that did not exist on the at reconstruction date (matrix method returns NA coordinates, Sp methods omit)